Upcoming Film

Advance/Online ticket sales will end at 4:00 pm on February 24. Remaining tickes will be sold at the door when it opens at 7:00 pm.
Rivertown Film welcomes Dark Side of the Hudson, the authentic Pink Floyd tribute experience, back to The Nyack Center for a fifth time, on February 24. Their live performance includes the groundbreaking Dark Side of the Moon and the ethereal Wish You Were Here. Both of those classic Pink Floyd recordings will be performed in their entirety, and will be accompanied by a stunning light show with the same visuals created for the live performance of these records by Pink Floyd. Tickets are on sale now!
Tickets: $35 in advance – $45 at the door if seats are available. Doors open at 7:00pm – Show begins at 8:00pm. Advance sale ticket buyers must be seated by 7:55 or your seats will be sold to a wait list. Buy in advance and arrive no later than 7:55.
We expect that this performance will sell out, as it has in the past. Unclaimed seats will be sold to a wait line at 7:55. Even if you have tickets, DO NOT ARRIVE LATER THAN 7:55 OR YOU MAY LOSE YOUR SEAT. This is live rock and roll, and it will be loud. Prepare accordingly.
Music has accompanied movies since before sound was attached to film, but in the ’60s and ’70s bands like Pink Floyd and experimental filmmakers inverted the traditional idea of the music score that accompanies a film by having live music performances be accompanied by projected images. Dark Side of the Hudson pays homage to the masters of psychedelic rock and unites the art of music with the art of motion picture.
The Band:
Dylan Kelehan – Vocals, Bass
William Burgaleta – Keyboards, Vocals
Ryan Liatsis – Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals
William Shmidt – Guitars, Vocals
Eric Challacombe – Drums and Percussion
Joe North – Sax
Natasha May Dimarco – Vocals
Danielle Sheri – Vocals
Kevin Lacy – Sound Design, Video Production
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
If you want to learn more about Rivertown Film, get information about volunteering or have any comments, mail or email us using an option below.
Rivertown Film Society
58 Depew Ave
Nyack, NY 10960
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