Upcoming Film

Showing: streaming continuously from 2/23 through 2/29
Title: Mountain Lion: Healing Film of St. Francis
Year: 2024
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Director:Brooklyn Demme
Mountain Lion: Healing Film of St. Francis is a local film about family, intimate relationships, connection to the land, and the seriousness of prayer, written and directed by Brooklyn Demme. This humble production led by Norris War Turtle Branham (Council Member, Sandhill Band Lenape & Cherokee Indians) features phenomenal performances, including Nyack’s own Lily Nin and Yvette McLarty, and a knock-out of a musical score. It is intended to facilitate healing conversations within First Nations communities, but all artists know that audiences love what they couldn’t have imagined, and that’s what Mountain Lion delivers. Made in Rockland County, 2024, 90 minutes.
For one week, Rivertown Film is streaming Brooklyn Demme’s rough cut on our virtual theater, for the price of a film festival submission fee. This is a unique opportunity to see an early cut, witness the filmmaking process, and help launch a very original film that makes most others look bland. When Mountain Lion takes off, scene after scene is an imaginative and thought provoking revelation, right through its ending in Nyack. Ticket prices are $15, $30, and $50, with proceeds going to pay festival submission fees for the film (Rivertown Film receives $5 from each order to help pay online security and administration costs). A list of potential festivals follows the film credits, below.
Mountain Lion: Healing Film of St. Francis will stream continuously from February 23 through February 29. If you purchase in advance, you’ll receive an email reminder when it is available to view. When you begin viewing you’ll have 3 days to finish.
To purchase a ticket you will be asked for your email address and a password. Please save your password! You’ll use it for future ticket purchases. If you don’t receive an email confirmation your order was not completed. If you experience any problems please click on “need help?” on the order page. It will bring up an FAQ page with typical questions (and instructions for viewing on your television) and will also offer very useful “live chat support.” Please use it if needed. We at Rivertown Film do not have access to the ticketing software and cannot help. “Live chat support” will help you!
Mountain Lion: Healing Film of St. Francis
Produced by Clinica Estetico, TurtleGangNyc, Truth 2 Power
Writen and Directed by Brooklyn Demme
Sound Recordist/Producer/Lenape Leader: Norris War Turtle Branham
Producer/Intimacy Coordinator: Ashley Dawson
Director of Photography: Quanah Hicks
Associate Producer: Shaunqui Harris
Willie Will Rodriguez as Miguel
Sage Buchalter as Eloise
Lilly Nin as Lupe
Nichia Wepa as Maria
Brooklyn Demme as Jeff
Norris War Turtle Branham as Mensingw
Film Festival Submissions
$15 will pay for the submission fee to one of the following:
Latino & Native American Film Festival
Asinabka Film & Media Festival (multiple categories)
Festival de Cine Amazonia del Plata
Acimowin Film Festival
Ecoador Film Festival
Earth Connection Film Festival
Love Peace and Freedom Film Festival (multiple categories)
Wallachia International Film Festival
Experimental Brazil
Onyko Film Awards (multiple categories)
Barcelona Indie Filmmakers
Toronto Latin American Film Festival
Afro Latino Film Festival
Peekslill Film Festivia (multiple categories)
Seattle Latino Film Festival
Hell Chess Festival
Nahui Ollin Film Festival
$30 will pay for the submission fee to one of the following:
Dreams Catcher (multiple categores)
Peekskill Film Festival
Seattle Latino Film Festival
Native Spirit Festival
Trees & Seas (multiple categories)
Green Screen Environmental Festival
Madonie Film Festival
All Living Things Environmental Film Festival
Outer Banks Environmental Film Festival (multiple categores)
Mountains of Color
FDCLA Corpus Christi
Hobnobben Film Festival
Mountain Film Meetings
Eugene Environmental Film Festival (multiple categories)
Urban World
New Jersey Independent
$50 will pay for the submission fee to one of the following:
Festival de Cine Antigua
XicanIndie Film Festival
Orange County Latino International Film Festival
Coney Island Film Festival
The People’s Film Festival
Portland Film Festival (multiple categories)
Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival (multiple categories)
Mindfield Film Festival (multiple categories)
Hip Hop Film Festival
Art of Brooklyn Film Festival (multiple categories)
New York Latino Film Festival
Austin Revolution Film Festival
Dreamer of Dreams Film Festival
Nature Without Borders Film Festival
Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
Oakland International Film Festival
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
If you want to learn more about Rivertown Film, get information about volunteering or have any comments, mail or email us using an option below.
Rivertown Film Society
58 Depew Ave
Nyack, NY 10960
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