June 2013 – The buzz following Rivertown Film’s “Notte di Fellini” Gala on June 19th hasn’t let up. Guests who attended the sold-out magical benefit entered the grounds of an Italian villa in Grandview to discover a living tableau of Federico Fellini’s films, peopled...

“Sam Waymon Day” Proclaimed at Tribute

A capacity audience at Rivertown Film’s Tribute to Sam Waymon on February 16, 2013, heard Sam Waymon and the New School Band and learned about Mr. Waymon’s contributions to music, film, local history and black culture. Adding to the evening were Ellen...

Elmwood Playhouse and Rivertown Film Become Cultural Partners

Elmwood Playhouse is about to enter its 66th season as Rivertown Film begins its 11th, but we could not be more attuned in our efforts to serve our community in ways that entertain and inspire. While both Elmwood Playhouse and Rivertown Film are member supported...

Orange & Rockland Contributes to “Meet the Filmmaker”

The Orange & Rockland Community Investment Program has awarded Rivertown Film a $1,500 grant for its “Meet the Filmmaker” series. “Meet the Filmmaker”  brings filmmakers to screenings for discussions about the creative process, giving...

Kitchen Tour Fundraiser Tickets On Sale Now

TICKETS ON SALE FOR THE 2ND ANNUAL “KITCHEN TOUR” FUNDRAISER SATURDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2012 Love kitchens? Thinking of renovating yours? Want an opportunity to check out Rockland County’s most state-of-the-art, beautiful yet budget-conscious and extraordinary kitchens? Then...
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